Unfortunitely, as my luck/life tends to go... I had a critical HDD failure coupled with a motherboard failure and had to get a whole new PC. Alas, she had a good run, 7 years to be exact, almost never any off time. Considering that it wasn't a server, that's pretty damn good. T_T
I bought a new laptop, and again experienced a critical HDD failure and had to replace the HDD, only this time unfortunitely, I had no copy of windows to install to a SONY VAIO computer, as all my windows re-installation discs are for Dell computers, so I had to put Linux on here, and there isn't a Linux distro of my program. I will NOT run WINE to be able to run my music program, so as it goes I am currently on an extended vacation from producing any music... When I can buy a new PC and get a good copy of windows XP on there, I will resume my music, but until then... T_T