Unfortunately, I am no longer able to produce any music tracks simply because I ended up having to wipe my computer and re-install windows onto my spare HDD. Somehow my boot partition of windows became "unreadable" according to my BIOS and now I no longer have my Music Program (it wasn't exactly a hard copy) and I'd have to spend another 100 dollars to get a hard copy, and I really don't feel like doing that. When I get out of basic for the Army, then I'll have more money to afford another copy, but by then I'll have upgraded to Fruity Loops 8 and won't be using that one, so really this whole post was basically to say:
Those of you who actually have been following or have liked my music, unfortunately I'm unable to produce anything else as of right now due to having no backup of the program and a fresh installation of windows. When I get more money, I'll either re-purchase my Music Program or upgrade the program to Fruity Loops Producer Edition 8. Sorry for the inconvenience. :D
Right on bro, sorry your computer crashed ( the right on remark is pertaining to the army). I was an e-4 when i was discharged (honourable hardship). i served for two years and am also considering re-enlisting, active duty enlistment bonus is 40 k right now. Basic training was fun, initially kinda intimidating when they get on the bus and scream and everyone gets startled and pushes everyone else. reception sucks ass hurry up and wait ( get use to it), but BASIC down range was a blast ( besides cs gas). youll meet alotta friends in there, try and stay in contact with them too because i didnt and i regret it dearly. goodluck in your goals and aspirations, all it takes to be a good soldier is motivation and following orders.