
6 Game Reviews

1 w/ Responses

Haha... Hard as usual... :3

I can't get past question 8. LOL! I love these things! Thanks for another one Splapp. :3


This game is amazing. I managed to play through it without using a single hint (which in point 'n' click games such as this one I usually can't seem to do) simply because I was fully engrossed in the story. I can't even begin to describe what I think about the game because I'm still trying to figure out what it means to me. :3

5/5 and 10/10. Keep up the great work man!

Fun Game

The gameplay is and what still matters to any serious gamer, and this has it. Nevermind those whiners under me, they just can't appreciate a good game, full or not. So you have to go to BB to play the full game, so you have a few minor issues, but otherwise it's a beautiful game. I don't really care for flash games, never have, but I sat here and played for 3 hours straight, that should tell you something. :D Great job, looking forward to the next one unless this is the last (which would make me a sad panda). Now I have to come back tomorrow instead of getting on WoW... >.> You're evil my friend, pure evil.

10/10 and 5/5!

FAVd. :D


This game is amazing! It's so weird I can't stop playing it... X3 Good job dude!


I'd have to say the game is slightly enjoyable. There are numerous problems, such as him not listening at all with a full attention span bar. Happened almost constantly. Level 1 should be a lot easier than it actually was. I couldn't even finish it. Almost, but still couldn't. The items didn't do anything, and the interrupt button didn't work 80% of the time even with full attention span. Personally I think that this game is quite a bit past hard, and frankly, the genre shouldn't be adventure moreso than strategy. That was a bit misleading. Other than that with a few hours maybe the game would become more enjoyable once you've gotten used to it, but the majority of people don't like to sit and spend time learning a game past 15 minutes. This game seems like it would take close to an hour to become generally good with it. That's a little too much time for myself to try and learn a new game. Sorry, but I wasn't particularly happy with this game. Just my standpoint mind you.

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. - Winston Churchill

Age 37, Male

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