
63 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Good job! :D 5/5 and 10/10.

ElectroLord99 responds:

thank you ^^


Seriously? This isn't music... stop posting this kind of stuff here please, we'd all appreciate it. :D

Current Score

0.75 / 5.00 (- 1.25) 0/5 and 0/10. *angry faic*

MadCow responds:

Seriously? You're much too ignorant to understand. It's funny to see your helplessly plebian rodent brain attempting to comprehend the true meanings and unending complexity and genius of my Avant Garde compositions.

Great work! :D

Current Score

4.34 / 5.00 (+ 0.0025)

good job again! If this was your first song, then I'm nothing compared to you... although I'm straight up techno whereas you're trance... I dunno, GREAT JOB! :P

ZooSafari responds:

Thank you very much brother ^^

You keep it up with your techno too! ;P


Current Score

4.37 / 5.00 (+ 0.0025)

Awesome! I loved it! 5/5 and 10/10! Keep it up! :D

ZooSafari responds:

Alrigthy! Thanks :D


1.32? seriously? that's it? This song deserves way more than a 1.32. 5/5 and 9/10. Great job! :D

DJ-NOSEBLEED responds:



I'd have to say this is very good for having colliding music types. It's got that sound that I'm in the mood for right now, so great job. 4/5 and 8/10. :D

NeglectfulSpawn responds:

It took a long time for me to do, layering, reconstructing,finding differnt styles that compliment eachother in my opinion. thank you for the review!

Fucking awesome!

This sounded awesome, but the only thing I have to say about it is that the part towards the very beginning that was slow kind of ruined the flow of it for a split second. I thought it wasn't necessary, but I'm not the song maker. :D Great job, 5/5 and 10/10.

axeFX responds:

I agree. I was rushing it and threw together a sloppy intro... but it sounded fine to me, so I figured I'd submit it. Thx XD


Well, I thought this was very nicely done! :D However, there just wasn't a base line to it that was desperately needed. I'm a bit late in saying this, but add a kick-ass baseline and lengthen the track out a bit and it would absolutely kick ass! X3

alex9 responds:

I made this song playing the keys with a crappy keyboard, with a limit of 8 instrumentes XD . It was very annoying, so this is the result. I can improve it a lot with my new synths but I'm very lazy to do this hahahaha, well, it only took me 30 mins but if you want perfection you gotta take more time to master it, time that i don't have anymore :'( . Thx for the review

Fat American Bellies?

I very much didn't like this comment, as my belly isn't fat. >.> Don't stereotype the american culture (although yes, most americans are fat...ish). :D 3/5 and 6/10.

Mcewthom responds:

:D sorry but thank you for the 6?

Castle Crashers... :D

What a perfect song for the game, and for casual enjoyment outside of the game. Laser tag... 0.0 ... *gets idea* Oh, yea, awesome song. Keep on trucking man! :D

Waterflame responds:

lol, why not! thanks yerr :D

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. - Winston Churchill

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